Celadon Apartments

Celadon Apartments

This project sought substantial relaxations to height and unit yield. Our initial town planning investigations concluded that such a development did not conflict with Council’s planning scheme on this particular site given established built form and need for higher residential densities near areas with major service provision. This development shows our expertise in determining where, when, & extent of relaxations that should be pursued in a town planning application.

Development particulars include:

  • High quality design and materials (where seeking such relaxations)
  • Careful consideration of land form (i.e. step-down hill and minimise earthworks)
  • Ensure unit development does not unreasonably affect nearby dwelling house by maximizing separation distances
  • Planting in natural ground to facilitate larger trees to further soften built form

Photos/Images: Brenton Rasheed (Red Shed Architects)

Project Type: Multiple Dwelling

Local Government Area: Brisbane City Council

Year: May 2016 – Jan 2018